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Image for Awesome Motuihe Island Care (mid week trips)

Awesome Motuihe Island Care (mid week trips)

Help with the restoration of this unique eco-environment by planting and weeding on Motuihe Island.

Image for Bring Back the Mātātā (Fernbird)

Bring Back the Mātātā (Fernbird)

Work in the great outdoors by the Whau River estuary and help restore Mātātā (fernbird) habitat.

Image for Community Gardening Team Experience

Community Gardening Team Experience

Join us to engage with food and sustainability and learn practical skills for sustainable living that you can take back to your office and home.

Image for Create from the Heart

Create from the Heart

Te Kapowai - making beautiful beaded dragonflies as keepsakes for families who have lost a loved one & sorting donations in a Hospice retail store

Image for Distribution Centre Helpers

Distribution Centre Helpers

Help in the important role of ensuring that donated goods are distributed to those in the community who need it most.

Image for Enviro Trail Blitz

Enviro Trail Blitz

Come and 'blitz' this low decile school's grounds and make improvements to enhance the environment for the children's learning.

Image for Food Sorting Superheroes

Food Sorting Superheroes

Hand sorting good quality, rescued food for distributing to community groups the next day. Feeding people, not landfill.

Image for Gardening Therapy for Riding Therapy

Gardening Therapy for Riding Therapy

Help spruce up the grounds of this special riding therapy school to keep the environment in top condition.

Image for Get Ripped in  our Green Gym

Get Ripped in our Green Gym

People with energy to burn are what we are looking for with this task.

Image for Habitat Restoration Heroes - Nature Needs You!

Habitat Restoration Heroes - Nature Needs You!

Help restore this area to its natural beauty, for native flora and fauna to thrive and future generations to enjoy.


Head: Use specific skills to add value to community organisations.

Heart: Support the young, the elderly, and those with illnesses or disability.

Hands: Hands-on tasks often performed outdoors.